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Basic Observables

In this tutorial, we'll learn to use some the most essentials Observables provided by @lirx/core.

Let's begin with Observables sending predefined values.

Creating an Observable from a single value

The most basic Observable will send a unique value. This is done with the function single.

const value$ = single('Hello World !');

value$((value) => {
// logs 'Hello World !'

Click here to see the live demo.

When subscribed, it will send and log the value Hello World !.

Hooray we've created our first Observable 🎉 ! It wasn't so difficult, isn't it ?

Now, what if we have more than one value to send ?

Creating an Observable from a list of values

To create an Observable from a list of value, the function of is all we need:

const values$ = of(0, 1, 2, 3);

values$((value) => {
// logs 0, 1, 2, 3

It simply takes the series of values that our Observable will send sequentially.

There is plenty of others function to create Observables from values like: fromArray, fromIterable, reference, etc. You can find all of them on the reference page.

Let's focus now on the most common async functions in javascript.


Sometimes, we have to refresh some data within a specific period. We'll usually end up using a setInterval or a setTimeout.

const timer = setInterval(() => {
}, 500);

setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);

Here are the Observable replacements for:

  • setInterval and clearInterval: interval
  • setTimeout and clearTimeout: timeout

So let's rewrite the previous code with Observables instead:

const every500Ms$ = interval(500);
const after2000Ms$ = timeout(2000);

const unsubscribe = every500Ms$(() => {

// logs 'tick', 'tick', 'tick', 'tick'

Click here to see the live demo.

As you may see, you can combine Observables together easily and start to build more complex dataflow.


Event listeners are another extremely used API for web applications. We use them to react to inputs, clicks, movements, changes, states, etc.

Let's write some code that logs the mouse position of the user:

window.addEventListener('mousemove', (event: MouseEvent) => {
console.log(`position: ${event.clientX}-${event.clientY}`);

To create an Observable from an EventTarget, we will use fromEventTarget:

Here is the equivalent with Observables:

const onMouseMove$ = fromEventTarget(window, 'mousemove');

onMouseMove$((event: MouseEvent) => {
console.log(`position: ${event.clientX}-${event.clientY}`);

Click here to see the live demo

Going deeper

There is plenty of functions to create Observables: from Promises, fetch requests, streams, etc. We can't talk about all of them in this introduction, but you can find the complete list on the reference page.