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It's time to practice 👨‍💻️!

In this part, we will create an Observable based application, displaying the current date and time formatted according to a selected language.


Date (and Time) representations vary between countries, so Observables are really great for internationalization (often abbreviated to i18n).

We will start by creating a <select> element containing a list of languages. We'll conceive an Observable around it, which will emit the selected language per the user's locale. We will then create another Observable from the current date and time, and format this date and time according to the selected locale. Finally, we'll display the result into an <output>.

I've created a dataflow to make it clearer:


Set up the initial code

I'm not going to dwell on this part, as it's just usual javascript code.

Create a select and output element

The following piece of code, will simply create a <select> element containing a list of languages.


function createLocaleSelectElement(
languages: string[] = DEFAULT_LANGUAGES,
): HTMLSelectElement {
const selectElement = document.createElement('select');

const displayNames = new Intl.DisplayNames(navigator.languages, { type: 'language' });

for (let i = 0, l = languages.length; i < l; i++) {
const locale: string = languages[i];
const optionElement = document.createElement('option');
optionElement.value = locale;
optionElement.innerText = displayNames.of(locale);

return selectElement;

Next, we create and inject the <select> and <output> elements into the body.

const selectElement = createLocaleSelectElement();

const outputElement = document.createElement('output');

Format the date from a locale

Date representations vary differently between countries, so we have to account for the selected locale.

Let's write a function that accepts a locale and a date, and returns this formatted date and time as a string:

function formatDate(
locale: string,
date: number | Date,
): string {
return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, {
year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric',
hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric',

It uses, the Intl API. If you're not familiar with it, you may consult the documentation on the MDN website.

Build the pipeline

The first thing to do is to create an Observable listening on the change Event of the <select>:


We'll simply use the function fromEventTarget:

const selectElementChange$ = fromEventTarget(selectElement, 'change');

It creates an Observable initiating an EventListener through addEventListener for the change event on this <select>. When such an Event occurs, it is transmitted through this Observable.

As we want the <select>'s value, instead of a change Event, we have to map it:


... using the inlined ObservablePipe map$$:

const locale$ = map$$(selectElementChange$, () => selectElement.value);

This ObservablePipe, passes the incoming values through a map function and emits the result into a new Observable. In our case, it transforms the Events sent by selectElementChange$ into the current value of the <select>. So we end up with an Observable emitting the locale selected by the user, when the <select> changes.

However, because selectElementChange$ only triggers when a change occurs, we have to use reference and merge in conjunction, to dispatch the current value of this <select> properly.

Which finally gives us:

const locale$ = merge([
reference(() => selectElement.value),
map$$(fromEventTarget(selectElement, 'change'), () => selectElement.value)

If you're confused, do not hesitate to take a look at the documentation of these functions. At this point, we have an Observable emitting the locale selected by a user.

Let's now focus on the second part of the data-flow i.e. the current date. For this, we have to create an Observable that periodically emits the current timestamp.

Let's begin by using the function interval to create an Observable emitting a value every second:


const everySecond$ = interval(1000);

As we're only interested in the current timestamp, we'll have to map this Observable like we did for the <select>'s value:


const date$ = map$$(timer$, () =>;

It transforms the "ticks" sent by the previous Observable, into the current date expressed as a timestamp. So, we now have an Observable emitting the current date every second.

The last step is to combine the Observables locale$ and currentTimestamp$, to convert their incoming values into a formatted date.


The easiest way to achieve this, is using the function function$$. It combines many Observables, and, when any of them emits, it calls a "map" function to convert these values into another one.

const output$ = function$$(
[locale$, date$],

If any of locale$ or date$ emits, the function formatDate is called with their respecting incoming values, and the result is emitted into a new Observable.

So, we have now, an Observable sending every seconds the current date as a string, and this date is formatted according to a selected locale. This is exactly what we wanted!

To conclude, the last step would be to subscribe to it, and output the received value into the <output> element:

output$((value: string) => {
outputElement.value = value;

Here's the entire snippet:

const locale$ = merge([
reference(() => selectElement.value),
map$$(fromEventTarget(selectElement, 'change'), () => selectElement.value)

const date$ = map$$(interval(1000), () =>;

const output$ = function$$(
[locale$, date$],

output$((value: string) => {
outputElement.value = value;

This is far concise than what we would have had to write without Observables.

Some important points to note about Observables:

  • they are easy to chain or combine, giving us the possibility to handle long and complex dataflow in just a few lines of code, thereby decreasing the chances of errors.
  • they are PUSH sources, meaning they are extremely useful when a state or a value depends on others: if some of them change, derived values will update too.
  • subscribing and unsubscribing is especially simple, and guarantees no memory leak (all resources are properly freed).

In front-end applications, Observables are particularly useful to manage the state of all our components, update the DOM nodes, and listen on some events. They work exceptionally well with the DOM.